When even the most rounded geometric sans is still too harsh, Ohno Softie delivers the goods. Not only is every terminal round, but every negative shape is as well, making sweet, syrupy goodness out of every word you set.
Five voluptuous weights give you the key ingredients for all your soft needs. The Light borders on chic elegance, the Black goes for full-blown cozyville, and the medium falls somewhere in between. Fabric softener brand designers, please, for the love of God, take notice.
(Fuzzy Warmth)
{Couch Snuggle}
[Cozy Memories]
“Holding Hands”
Human Touches
Ohno Softie In Use

Support type for Tula Trade

Illustration by @sara.and.misc and Dall•E 2

Fruit Riot Packaging

A Hot Doodles Project Concept

Tad Carpenter's SUNday SUNS

Rubber stamp design

Studio Peachy Products

Badge for Eat Curious

Limited edition Fruit & Veg/ Beer & Wine tote bags

Please No Smoking

Softie made it into a Froot Loops commercial
Shortie Caps™
Variable weight allows for weight matching across different sizes.
This glyph is reason enough to not round interior corners. 4 overlaps = 16 interior corners = 32 additional points and 32 handles to add. Maybe not worth it.
Alternate double storey a.
Alternate f and t without the left crossbar.
Case-sensitive punctuation for all-caps.
Designed by James Edmondson, Jamie Otelsberg, and Colin Ford.
We recommend adding a highlight whenever possible.
Designed 2022.